Thursday, September 6, 2012

Planning Commission Hearing

Tonight at 6pm, the Moundville Planning Commission will be meeting and discussing the Comprehensive Plan. The following link is the completed Comprehensive Plan with the Appendix retail report. The City will be given additional printed copies. Link to the plan.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Plan Implementation Chapter

First, KPS would like to apologize in the delay of the posting of this information. We have been diligently working towards putting all of the information on the website and wanted to make sure the document was at its highest standard, and addressed all of the discussions, ideas and projects we have all been having. The following links include the original public presentation we gave on April 19th, plus the latest version of the Comprehensive plan, which includes Chapter 5 Plan Implementation. We have relinked the Retail Development Report from earlier posts to make sure it is accessible as we go forward. Please take a minute and catch up on where we were and where the plan is now. We look forward to hearing back from you all. With this chapter, the Comprehensive Plan document is effectively finished. We will of course make changes and modifications based on comments and suggestions, and will make sure to add the Retail Report as an appendix item and any additional information that needs to be included. The next public meeting that we currently have scheduled for the project will be for the plans adoption at a Planning Commission meeting in the future. The exact date and time of this meeting has not been set. As soon as we know when the meeting will be, we will be posting the dates and times on this blog site and will be sure to post announcements and flyers throughout town. We look forward to continuing the planning process and seeing Moundville achieve all of its goals and visions. Link to Public meeting Presentation Link to Comprehensive Plan to date Link to Retail Development Report

Friday, March 16, 2012

Town Meeting #3 - March 15th, 2012

Last night was our third town meeting for the Moundville Comprehensive Plan. We spent time presenting the next 3 portions of the plan document, specifically the Future Land Use Plan, Transportation and Retail Development sections.

The first two town meetings allowed all of us to hear, participate and discuss the values, ideals and visions for Moundville we all have. These discussions generated an overall Strategic Development Concept that was presented during our last meeting and is written about in Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan Document.

During our third meeting we discussed and showed how the plan builds on the Strategic Development Concept and proposes a system of future land uses and important transportation links to support and allow for the desired retail and future development to succeed. These components of the comprehensive plan are integral to one another. During the presentation we discussed future projects and the expected results from those projects.

One of the important goals of the comprehensive plan, that you will read, is that through the crafting of an overall vision for Moundville, and proposing specific projects to carry that vision out; as projects are planned and built there are multiple interrelated issues and opportunities to capitalize on. Individual projects have a great opportunity to achieve success for many aspects of Moundville through the use of the Comprehensive Plan. As you read through the Comprehensive Plan you will see this concept when we discuss the opportunities for Downtown redevelopment, and its connection to transportation projects along Highway 69 and specifically the intersection of Market Street and Highway 69. This example and additional potential projects deal with issues of perception, business attraction, gateway development, road capacity, access management, respecting health,safety and welfare concerns, property development and potential reinvestment in business and buildings. Looking at all these interrelated issues through the lens of values, ideals and visions that Moundville has expressed and are focusing future projects and developments toward.

Below is a link to last night presentation, the next two chapters of the plan - Chapters 3&4, and the Retail Development Report.

Please take a moment and read the information below and tell us your thoughts. We are building the Comprehensive Plan through the individual Town meetings with your help and support. Thank you.

Link to meeting #3 Powerpoint
Link to the Comprehensive Plan Chapters 3&4
Link to the Retail Development Report

Monday, February 27, 2012

Moundville Blog Post #2

We had a great second community meeting on Tuesday, February 21st. The second town meeting focused on a brief recap of the first meeting followed by a presentation and discussion of the Strategic Development Concept.

The Strategic Development Concept is a big picture overview of the town’s existing infrastructure and assets and lays out a roadmap for achieving the visions and “wow” answers we heard from our first meeting. We took the values, ideals and visions we heard and placed them in our physical environment, mapping them, creating a visual tool and record.

We had some great feedback to the Strategic Concept. If the discussion missed any important points you feel we need to tackle in the comprehensive plan, please contact us and/ or the Town.

In addition to the presentation of the Strategic Development Concept we presented the first two chapters of the Comprehensive Plan. These chapters continue our discussions and provide additional written and visual information on the subjects presented. Please take a minute to read the first two chapters. If there is inaccurate or misrepresented information please let us know. If there is anything we have forgotten or issues should be included please feel free to let us and/or the Town know.

Community participation is critical to creating a plan that represents the interest of the citizens and adequately reflects their vision for the future of Moundville. The plan will address all issues that citizens feel are important to assuring a high quality of life in Moundville. Please feel free to check the plan website, read through and add your voice and ideas to the plan. We look forward to hearing from everyone.

Feel free to comment here, send us an email, phone call or communicate through the Town of Moundville.

The third Town meeting will be held at 6 pm on Thursday, March 15th, 2012 at City Hall. We look forward to seeing you there

Link to Power point 120221
Link to Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 1&2 120221

Friday, January 20, 2012

Town Meeting #1 on Thursday January 19th

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the first Town meeting. We had a great turnout of about 20-30 citizens. The meeting was a great success. The planning process is just beginning.

Last night's meeting was all about the conversations we had and the questions we answered. Below are links to both the power point in pdf format that was shown and the responses to all the questions in the power point.

The City of Moundville is preparing a new Comprehensive Plan to guide citywide growth and development. Residents, property owners and business owners are strongly encouraged to attend and share their ideas for the city.

Community participation is critical to creating a plan that represents the interest of the citizens of Moundville and adequately reflects their vision for the future of the City. The plan will address all issues that citizens feel are important to assuring a high quality of life in Moundville. Please feel free to check the plan website, read through and add your voice and ideas to the plan. We look forward to hearing from everyone.

Feel free to comment here, send us an email, phone call or communicate through the City of Moundville.

The second Town meeting will be held at 6 pm on February 21st, 2012 at City Hall. We look forward to seeing you there

Link to Power point 120119
Link to Meeting minutes 120119